The WordPress snippet club
No more bulky plugins, rather add snippets.
With snippets you are able to add the features you need to your WordPress website and not be bloated by features you don’t want, with our growing collection of snippets and tutorials our WordPress snippet club is a no-brainer for only $39 a year.

Hi I’m James, I’m a WordPress plugin developer.
Why Snippets
Over the last 9 years, my journey and the way I use WordPress to build websites for clients have changed from searching for plugins to use on my website projects to obsessively trying to develop my own WordPress plugins for my site.
In this pursuit, I’ve grown a collection of code snippets, which are helpful to any developer trying to customise existing tools for their projects.
Most plugins have a bunch of features that you don’t need or their code base is bloated by adding snippets you get lightweight code that you actually need.